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[ACT Jan 27] Web update... And ads?
2022-01-25 by Alcosmos in updates

First update of the year, and after over a year of slacking, Hitholl website has been updated to my local version (talk about procrastination).

Design has been tweaked, the whole page is now centered and a Credits top has been added.

Now... Ads?

Why? I want to try ads for future projects, and Hitholl seemed like a great place to add a tiny banner to and see how many impressions and ckicks I get.

It's not going to give me any real benefit other than some cents in the best case scenario, but that's not its purpose; I just want to try how all of this works.

See you in a year!

[UPDATE - Thursday, January 27]

I forgot to turn the Habbo server back on. Client should work now.

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