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Added automatic Rares prices list
2018-04-06 by Alcosmos in updates

I'm happy to announce that after a lot of effort, spaghetti code and missing ";" at the end of the line, a system for automatically value every existing Rare with a variable price is finally here.

Price is listed using Club Sofas (HC) like it was in the original Habbo. This new page also shows how many total units of that Rare actually exists.

But that isn't everything! It also compares actual Rares prices with the ones in the last Hitholl database backup and shows prices difference between them and if their values have increased, decreased or are the same.

I hope this new feature along with the Hotel revival (from the usual 0 online to 13 at the same time during our first promotion day, thank you!) will set the basis to create a Hotel with a real economy.

Now go see it for yourself!

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