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New big update with a lot of changes!
2018-04-24 by Alcosmos in updates

After a lot of time working on this, a new update have arrived! And here is the complete changelog:

Active users counter!

It can seem an small addition, but this was something necessary and which was missing, showing that static "-2", so it deserves to be the first change to be shown here. It does not show connected users, just "active" (those who are located inside an space). Now let's talk about big changes...

Stocks fixed!

Until now, Stocks system was broken. Companies credits was only a value that went up when you invest Credits in a company. But now not only that; if you win Credits, company will win too. The same if you lose.

Scale was a fixed value and it could not change. Now, when you redeem an stock, it will randomly add or subtract 0.05, with 1 as the lowest value and 10 the highest.

Risk was updated and now it shows a percentage on Companies page on website and in-game, instead of the old system showing 0.1 as 10% and 0.9 as 90%. Talking about risk...

Before this update, if risk went up to 100%, you would always lose when you invested, therefore risk never went down and got stuck there forever. Well, it will not happen again because highest risk is now limited to 90%.

All companies values have been established with a scale of 5, a risk of 50% and 500 000 Credits by default, and all active Stocks have been deleted.

Rares catalogue upgraded!

Automatic Rares prices system was rebuilt. Now, instead of calculating prices from the total of Rares, it depends of the total of VIPs, which is more logical being the official Rares currency, and now availability of VIPs will change Rares prices.

Total of rares shown in Rares catalogue page is now fixed, as before this update VIPs quantity was not being counted at the moment of calculating the prices.

Hitholl statistics!

Client page statistics stopped working at the moment of opening Hitholl five months ago, because I programmed website in PHP5, and being that version obsolete I had to port it to PHP7, and everything was progressively moved to this PHP version. However, statistics weren't moved. Until now. It shows some Hitholl statistics if you are curious to know things like number of Credits on Hitholl or created rooms.

Team page automated!

As you read. Now when somebody get (or lose) rank, [link=team.php]Team page[/link] page will be automatically updated. English version is now available for that page too (finally, progressing with tanslations!).

Ridiculous General changes

Database encoding changed from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 to match with used by the emulator, allowing the use of special characters and not-so-special ones like question or exclamation openings "¿, ¡" in places like your mission or room notes.

Now Staffs can read whispers. Be careful about what you say!

BOT- and B0T- prefixes banned for names. What do you want them for? Aren't you a real person?

Custom 404 not found page enabled again, no idea why I disabled it.

Radio panel in Client page have been fixed, and now it's correctly shown in a potato old Internet Explorer versions, along with logo spaces corrected.

Bots dance have been fixed, and now you can stop your Bot of dancing with the same command. No more eternally dancing Bots!

Minor changes which I forgot are too ridiculous even to be here.

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